by Nick Carney on August 02, 2022 Categories: News

There are a lot of questions that go along with this conversation, but we figured we’d give you the top 5 questions to help start this conversation. Keep an open mind, remember when the first car with an internal combustion engine was built, it wouldn’t have been able to tow your 3-tonne caravan either.

1. How much can I tow with my Electric Vehicle (EV)?
- Every EV has a different towing capacity, ranging from 750kg’s up to currently 2.5 tonne. Give us a call to have a chat about your EV and what it will be able to tow.
2. How much range will I lose when towing?
- We’ve averaged out the loss of range over most of our models to be between 25 – 30%. This range estimate can be higher or lower depending on what you’re towing and what terrain you’re towing on.
3. Are charge stalls accessible whilst towing a trailer?
- Currently a lot of charging stations have a drive through spot for trailers or they have an area that you’d be able to unhitch your trailer at and move the car over to get a charge.
4. Will I lose much power when the trailer is connected?
- No, compared to ICE vehicles EV’s don’t need to wait for multiple moving parts to spin up before they can make power, this means that your car will still have a high torque drive with a trailer connected.
5. What does your standard tow-bar package include?
- Here at EV Towing Solutions our packages include your model specific Towbar, a model specific or universal wiring harness, a standard 2” ball attachment & a set of fitting instructions. We can also point you in the direction of our approved installers or fit the bar yourself & give us a call if you need a hand!


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